США, Equestrian Estates
Дата рождения: 30 декабря 1991
Мобильный телефон: iPony 6
Домашний телефон: iPony 6
Skype: What
Родной город: Equestrian Estates
Семейное положение: влюблена
Источник вдохновения: Друзья, и семья!
Главное в людях: доброта и честность
Отношение к курению: резко негативное
Подписчиков: 177
My name is Twilight Sparkle Starla, for friends i just Twilight. I used to be simple unicorn. I kept it and did what she studied. I had no friends, but when I beat Nightmare Moon I realized thar without friends, i wold not have coped. My element of harmony magic. After I
learned all about friendship, Princess Celestia made me alicorn, i became a princess of Friendship. Later, i got your own castle. And it is withthe help of my best friends!
The Princess Of Friendship
I used to always read a lot of books when I was studying in school Princess Celestiel. But more I love hanging out with friends, which are more expensive than books. Every Tuesday we go on a picnic, sometimes come to me friends and helps to tidy up in my library
My Little pony
My Little pony
My Little pony
Most of all i love to read science books, well, about the history of Eguestria
игра с каденс солнце светит веселье потому постучи капытцем покрути хвостом